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Gabriellez dolls & celebrative gifts depict the fruits of God's Spirit

This is why Miola,

my first collection, was born

She was created during a time of loss. I was separated and raising a daughter who was turning 10, single-handedly. It was time of discovery for me; one that laid the foundation I hold dear to my heart - healthy family relations.

Miola was created to speak esteem to myself and other women living beneath their calling. She was a faceless design that captured a woman's inner beauty, just by the way she stood. She won awards and was sold in gift or specialty shops during the late 90's and early 2000. After 5 years, I began to work full time in family and children services and could not continue her production.

During this time I began working with fabrics more and more, designing clothing, covering furniture and styling or staging interiors. I also enjoyed expressing myself and working professionally as a graphic artist. Unfortunately, my career change only supported what I had been told all my life - "you can't survive as a full-time artist." Those who loved me, guided me toward business administration, and, although the choice did not hurt me, I never really got the chance to receive a fine arts degree.

My lessons came thorugh life's struggles...

...those of being a single parent, abused wife, dark child of the 60's and a gifted daughter of the Most High God who never really accepted her beauty...until NOW!


Hello Truth

my next series was born in 2011

She is a collection of 12 designs that causes me to face fears and celebrate truths that empower each of us.

As I grow and accept myself as an artist.I am being divinely placed in positions that allow me to empower youth and their families using the visual and performing arts. That is what its all about.

 I have always been a lover of dolls and fabrics. As a child, I played house with them. As a teenager, I styled and dressed them. As an adult, I express my inner beauty and triumphs thtough them.


Tawanna Williams Maryland



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